Grand Opening Banyu Surfshop/ Vintage clothes store!

The Banyu Surfshop has been open for a while selling custom boards, wax etc. Yesterday we opened a new part of the store, an event that turned out to be far more popular than we had imagined…

Two of us working here at the camp realized we have far too much clothes never being used, and instead of just giving it away, why don’t try another angle; We will sell second hand/vintage clothing and the full profit goes directly to Surfcamp Lombok Foundation.  Since we want both locals and visitors to have the opportunity to buy the prices are very reasonable, and as you can see yesterday was for sure the “locals day “.

In just a couple hours we sold for over 500 000Rupiah and the question we got was:

When will more clothes come??

So, friends, camp guests and visitors: if you come by here, feel free to donate your no longer needed clothes to the new Vintage Shop in Gerupuk village!
